Monday, February 2, 2015

Moving on... Who are you?

So I'm done with Romans for a while. It's been taking a lot out of me to get it done, and while I've read it, it's been getting longer and longer since I have and school is beginning to pick up. So we're going to take a hiatus for a bit from Romans.

Trying to figure out what to talk about today was a bit of a challenge, but I think I got a good topic. I'm wanting to do a men's Bible study focused on decision making, because I think a lot of our decisions make who we are, just as much as they are based on who we are. I say that this is for a men's Bible study, but I think it is equally useful for women, but I can't teach women they way I can men because, well, I'm a man, and I don't want to be that jerk that goes, "Oh I know what you're going through" when I can't possibly know. Anyways. Moving on.

This kind of stuff works a lot better with discussion, but I'll do my best.

The first question I have for you is this: Why is it important to talk about our identity when talking about decisions? As seen above, I say that our identity is directly related to our decisions. Each are based off of each other. I base my decisions off of my values, my world view, how I weigh different options and how I view things. If someone slams into the back of my truck while I'm sitting at a red light I have a couple options. I value my own life and safety, so I should blow up on that person for hitting me. Yet as a Christian I also value that other person's life and should make sure their okay, then blow up. My world view is that everyone makes mistakes and that forgiveness should be given, so I should forgive the person. These choices are based off of my identity, and when I make them they either solidify or crack my identity even more.

So my next question is this: Who are you? How do you identify yourself? A student? A parent? A sinner? A saint? A son/daughter? Do you identify yourself by your social status? Your family name? The meaning behind your name? Your characteristics? Your relationship status?
What about who we are? All of us reading this blog, or those who meet at your church? Are you a big family? A temple? A church? Just random people?
Be honest with yourself. Who are you?

My third question is: Why does it matter what our identity is? Sometimes finding out what our Identity is can be scary, and we don't want to know who we really are. There's a series of books that I really like call the Inheritance Cycle. It's borderline high fantasy, whatever I'm a nerd I accept it get off my back man. Anyway, a big theme in these books is the characters true name. There are multiple languages in this universe, but one that is used with magic and can pull out the true nature of anything. With this language one may find their true name which tells the very, unbiased Identity of that particular person. Imagine if you took the meaning of your name, for example my name being Michael means "Like God." And the meaning of my name is based on who I am, not just a name that's been given to me. I mean it would be a lot of pressure to live up to my name's meaning, and it would be terrifying to know that the meaning of my name is based off of who I am. Like God? What does that mean? I can strike people down? That's be terrifying to have that kind of power. So while we don't have names based off of our Identity, we still have an Identity that we must find. And it leads to this.

Knowing what our identity is is based off of who we are, what we do, even what we have. As humans, we only own one thing, and that's our sin. Before we are saved we are only one thing, and that is a sinner. And in the grand scheme of things this makes our very identity (I feel like I'm using this word too much) and is all we have. That is until we are saved. When we are saved we are counted as children of God. We are given salvation and are heirs with Christ for God's glory. This creates a new Identity in us, but only because of Jesus, who we are in and who is in us, which leads to the next question.

Who is Jesus? Last semester I went around asking college student who they said Jesus was. Most gave me the "Well the Church says he's this" a Jewish student that I asked said, "Well I think he's just  a man" and I had an entire table go, "He's, you know, whatever." But the Church comes together and says, "Jesus is the son of God, the Christ, the Messiah, and our Savior and Lord." That's cool and all, but what the heck does all that mean? That's your homework, figure out what all of that means for you. And how does Jesus' Identity help us find our own? Well as I said, we are counted brothers with him as children of God. We are identified as being in him and having him in us. So what does that mean for you?

I can go on and on about our own Identity, but I can only say so much. I hope this gets you thinking about who you are, and I hope you're honest with yourself. God already knows who you are, and you can't lie to him. So why lie to yourself?

As for me. My name is Mike Andrews. I'm a sinner saved by grace. I've made mistakes, and still make them, but God loves me despite my faults. I am a child of his, and he has looked down upon me and said, "This is my son whom I love." By his grace I am who I am, and his grace has not been without effect on me. I am dependent on Jesus and his works and I trust in them. He is the King of my life, and I will follow him wherever he leads me. This and more is who I am. Who are you?

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