Monday, March 30, 2015

Alright. We'll do it. The Same Sex Marriage Talk.

So Indiana just recently passed a "Religious Freedom Law" which, from my understanding, gives business owners a right to deny others service based on their religious preferences. Because of this here are some pictures of signs that have popped up.

(I apologize for the language in the above picture, I was unable to edit it. 
So deal with it. It's just a word)

Here are my thoughts, and they are just that, my thoughts. They are based on my interpretation of scripture, my deep thoughts on the matter, and also me flying by the seat of my pants a bit because I don't know everything and I will willingly admit that I'm still working through some of this stuff.

Here are the facts according to scripture: 
  • Homosexual sex is a sin
  • Just as adultery, substance abuse, stealing, murdering, and holding idols
  • We are to love everyone
I think that about sums up the facts about same sex marriage from a biblical standpoint. But here's where things get dicey. And fun. Kinda. 

Is the term marriage strictly Christian? Some will say yes and stand on that and pound the Bible saying that the word "marriage" is in there therefore it is a Christian term. But what about the fact that all religions have the term marriage? And that the term of marriage found in the Bible is something that all people, Jews, Muslim, and at the time Greeks and Romans understood? I don't think that the term "marriage" is strictly Christian. So to say you stand against same sex marriage means you don't stand for two people loving each other and wanting to make their union official. People said the same thing about 60 years ago about black and white couples.

So to go on the record, I don't have a problem with same sex marriage/civil union (I would prefer them to have that term instead of marriage, but like I stated "marriage" is not explicitly Christian). I also just thought of this, just to make it clear the Bible does not exactly say same sex marriage is a sin, but that same sex intercourse is. But why get married if you're not going to have sex? (Interesting topic for another time) So same sex marriage = same sex intercourse. 

Now I want to look at laws banning same sex marriage that Christians want to pass so desperately. My only question is why? And my rebuttal to whatever point you want to make is this. Let pagans act like pagans. If they don't believe who are we to say, "You can't do that." I met a Hindu today who was a vegetarian. I asked why, he said it was religious/moral reasons. That's cool. "But Acts 10 and Peter and the Blanket!" So what? That dude's not a Christian why should I hold him to that standard that I hold myself or my brothers? That's a bad example though, let's look at a different one. You meet a person that likes to get trashed on the weekends (though not in the realm of an alcoholic). They're not a Christian. Are you really going to pull out scripture on them and tell them that the Bible says you can't get drunk? Know what they'll do? Use the Bible as a coaster for their drink later. You tell them your concern for their health, but you can't hold them to the same standard that you hold yourself. It's the same with non-Christians who are gay. They're a sinner just like everyone else and all you can do is love them and tell them about Jesus.

So with those laws you are saying that you want people who don't follow your religion to live as if they do. Know who else is doing that right now? The extremist Muslims in the Middle East. Except they're cutting peoples heads off for them not agreeing. Yet we get up in arms about that and yet we miss that we're doing a political version of the same thing here in America. And don't try to throw the "Oh those are two completely different things" at me, because they're not. We don't like what you do so live like we do or we make things hard for you (or kill you). If they're not a Christian don't hold them to our rules then. If they want to steal let them. If they want to get hammered let them. If they want to get stoned let them. If they want to go at it with a person of the same sex let them. If they confess Christ though, that's a different story. Which I probably won't get to tonight. 

Now I want to look at the "religious freedom law" stuff in Indiana. And I want to start with myself. I am an ordained minister and am licences in the state of Ohio to perform marriages. I sign the marriage certificate. By the power invested in me by the state of Ohio and God I now pronounce you whatever. Yeah. I'm that guy. So if the state says that same sex marriage is legal and that anyone who is able to perform marriages can't refuse anyone, I'm in quite a pickle if a gay couple comes up to me and asks me to do their wedding. Legally I could be bound to. Spiritually I disagree with this. So what should I do? If I could perform just civil unions, sure, why not. But I will not act as if this couple has God's blessing, because I don't think they do. The religious freedom law would give me the right to refuse. But then if I disagreed with someone getting married to someone else for whatever reason I could claim a religious conviction against that marriage, which would be me abusing my power. So how should I handle a gay couple coming to me asking me to perform a religious ceremony for them? "I'm sorry, but morally I cannot. I do not think God approves of this marriage so I will not perform a ceremony for you. I may suggest the _____ church with the guy in the rainbow robes, or the court house. I wish you the best though and if you would like to have a deeper conversation as to why I do not think God will bless this marriage I will be more than willing to have that conversation with you as long as it's in a civil manner." Once people start yelling or insulting people conversation just becomes worthless. But let's turn this from a ministers standpoint to a business owner.

We all know of the bakery that refused to make a cake for a gay couples wedding. I also saw an episode of I think it's called, "What would you do" where there was a woman trying on a wedding gown for her wedding to her partner and the woman refused to serve her because of it. It was all staged, but man was it interesting. The new law in Indiana allows that. Should they? Should they not? What if an Atheist, as seen above, puts a sign on their door says no Christians allowed? Should they be able to discriminate against us? Well from my standpoint, yes. If we can say, "I won't serve you because you're gay" others should be able to say, "I won't serve you because you're a Christian." But what the Atheist is saying is this: I won't serve you because you're intolerant. Well aren't you being intolerant of me? Well it's different because you're discriminating against one group. And so are you. You should go discriminate against yourself. 

I get why small business owners want to refuse service for a same sex wedding. You think that by serving those people you're supporting the marriage. But what if they're getting married at the court house and having a reception later? Or having a ceremony done by a captain, or a person that got ordained online just to perform the ceremony? What if, as it is in PA, you don't need a licence to marry? Should you be able to say, "I disagree with you choosing to love and be faithful to one person for the rest of your life because they have the same tools as you." Really? Marriage is not explicitly Christian! Let them have it! Let's share it! We have Holy Matrimony. We have marriage that is blessed by God. They have marriage that is recognized by the state and that's okay. This world is imperfect. Everyone sins and no sin is greater than another. Look at Romans 5. One sin killed all of us. A sin is a sin. But if we really want to try to weigh them out, I'll take two people of the same sex getting married over a child molester any day. If anything us serving them is a greater form of witnessing to them. Yeah, I disagree with you on this, but I hope for the best, let me serve you and support you in this next big step in your life, just like Jesus did everyone he came in contact with.

There's a lot more I can say on this issue but these are the points I want to get across.
  • The term marriage is not solely Christian
  • Homosexuality is a sin, is in the eyes of God is no worse than any other sin.
  • Let pagans act like pagans. If they aren't a believer don't hold them to the same standard you hold yourself or your brothers and sisters.
  • Love people for God's sake. Literally. Jesus is God's love in action. Let your service to all be God's love to them.
  • Just by serving a same sex couple does not mean you agree with their life style. But again, see the previous points.
Go out today, find a gay person, and give them a hug.

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