Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Out of Hope

Lately two words that I've been using a lot are "manifestation" and "stewardship." Talking about Religion as a verb will do that I guess.

Our entire theme for this year is about our actions that come from our relationship with God. Just as I act a certain way with my parents because of our relationship, or how I act with my girlfriend because of our relationship, so I act with God and all others because of our relationship.

My love for God leads for my love for others. And my love for others becomes manifest in my actions towards them and with them. I have been given salvation from God which includes his love, his grace, his forgiveness, his mercy, and I am now a steward of those, and I emulate them towards others.

But why?

I do this out of hope.

Recently I've read a couple different verses pertaining to working out of hope. In 1st Corinthians Paul writes about how we plow fields in hope for a crop. In Colossians he writes how the church in Colossae has faith in Christ and love for all their Christian brothers because of the hope they have for eternal life.

I have hope that through my stewardship of the salvation that God has given me, and the manifestation of my love for others through my actions they too can share in the joy that I find in my salvation. I hope that one day I can call them brother or sister.

It is out of Hope that I religion.

Do you have hope for something? Hope in Christ? Hope in Eternal life? Hope for salvation for all people? Are you acting on it?

Find out next time on Dragonball Z.

Or figure it out yourself, and do something about it.

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