Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Do with Intent

Luke 11.27-28: As he said these things, a woman in the crowd raised her voice and said to him, "Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!" But he said, "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!"

I like this set of passages (meaning Friday's will be the next one). Monday was about replacing what you lost, about have a change in character. Today is about doing with intent.

A woman calls to Jesus that the woman that just took care of him should be blessed. Sure, I can get behind the idea that Mary was blessed. But because of her following God. I don't think we're blessed because we're in situations that God placed us in, I think we're blessed because of how we handle these situations. Do we remain faithful or not? That's the question that needs answered, and I think that's what Jesus is talking about. Mary birthed Jesus and had an obligation to take care of him. I have an obligation to eat, does that mean I'm blessed because I fulfill my obligation? I don't think so. Granted the two aren't exactly equatable, but for the thought they work.

What I do want to propose though is that in all situations we have multiple choices in front of us. For the past couple of weeks after CSF we got to a local sports bar for food and fellowship. I'm 25, one of our guys is 21, and another is 20. Every week I'm faced with a choice, "Should I order a drink?" It's a bar, I'm 25, I don't think it's a sin to enjoy an adult beverage as long as I'm responsible, and I know my tolerance and limitations. So as I sit in this situation I have a couple choices, to order a drink or not order a drink, that is the question. If I decide to order a drink, I may be showing the people that I'm with that it's not a sin to drink, despite what some Christians say. Or I may seem irresponsible to the people with me, who do think it's not okay for a Christian to drink, which they can have that opinion for themselves, as long as they don't force it on others (see Colossians 2.16-19). My ordering a drink may prompt questions which lead to either good or bad conversation. Or I could not order a drink and handle the situation by seemingly avoiding it entirely. Or I could discuss it with the people that I'm with. Multiple choices in one situation.

Now which of those choices would lead me to be "Blessed?" What does God's word say? Well it says don't engage in drunkenness (1 Tim. 3.2-3). Okay I know my limits, so I can drink. It also says not to cause a brother to stumble (1 Cor. 8.9). But Paul's reference really only applies to food, so I can order this drink? But then in 1 Corinthians 11.23, "all things are lawful," but not all things are helpful. So would me ordering this drink be helpful or not? The word of God is pulling me back and forth in this decision between Mt. Dew and a beer. I want to be blessed by God but I can't come to a conclusion on this what am I ever to do?! Simplest answer is to just not order a beer. But we're not going for the simple answer we're going to the critical thinking about the entire matter.

And here comes the idea which is from Monday: What does your change in Character say? Have you struggled with drinking in the past? Avoid the temptation. Those around you, do you know what they struggle with? Avoid becoming a stumbling block. Or what are their views of drinking? Be above reproach. These are the words of God, that we are to do all we can to help those around us, counting them more important than ourselves. We are to be above reproach, giving those around us no reason to think we we are not effective ministers of the Gospel (and that's all of us).

And the simple truth that all of this comes down to is this: In everything you do, do it intentionally. Every story I tell, every action I do, I do it for a purpose in mind. And I always try to make that purpose for the Glory of God, though I don't always succeed. So, once you have your change in Character, begin to act like that character. Or as I like to say, "Act like you're saved."

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