Wednesday, June 11, 2014

So What?

This blog is called "First Take." Why is it called that? Well I figured this is mainly going to be me posting things, people reading them, and that's it.

And that's what it has been, which is fine.

But the reason for the name of the blog is because it is my first take on whatever it is I'm talking about that day. Maybe I'll put some thought into it, or a lot of thought into it, maybe some research, or a lot, the prep varies. But it is always my first take on the topic, and I give it to you.

Just so you know.

Also, my apologies for lack of posts. I have recently had a week long intensive class, then up and moved to Pittsburgh. Takes a lot out of a man. But transitions are good.

Sit in a four legged chair. Don't get smart and say "Like I can sit in a two legged chair." Recliners anyone? They don't have four "legs."

But go sit in that chair, all four legs on the ground. Comfortable? Feel like everything is in its place? Good!

Now lean back, find that sweet spot where you can lean back perfectly balanced on the back to legs. Like a boss.

Then you reach that point, where you lose your balance, and you flip out. Not like a boss.

These are the three zones in which we live every day life. Comfort zone, sitting in the chair; answering a question in the class from your desk. Growth zone, leaning back, balanced, in a delicate position; standing up in front of the class showing your work on the board with others around you. Panic zone, you lose balance, you start to fall, and you flip out; you have to stand in front of the class and present a paper, everyone is staring at you, you're sweating, they all can see it, you see someone whisper something to someone else and you know they're talking about you.

My mom is on a mission trip right now on an Indian reservation. This is her first one. This was supposed to make her step out of her comfort zone for a week, which I think it did, but not to the extent that it should of. But I push myself and others to do more. I'm a jerk. I know. But how many of us have done something different, something risky, something new for the kingdom? Not exactly something that has never happened in the history of the world, but something that you have never done.

How often do we sit and complain about whatever is going on and how terrible our life is when in reality we say we believe Christ has risen and that has saved us? Why not flip things around, and instead of constantly moping we actually have joy for once, instead of throwing a pity party of one?

How about this? Instead of sitting with all your friends at lunch, go find the kid that sits by themselves. And be sincere about it. Nothing made me angrier than when guys at school would try to impress girls by "being friends with the weird kid." Yeah, that doesn't push people away, seeing that you don't care, you just want to "do your duty." Honestly care for the person, they're as important to God as you are. Do you want someone to show you that? Well go show it yourself.

See these things make us step out of our comfort zone, but they are not extreme enough to make us lose it and freak out. Sure most of you are probably saying, "Oh I can't do that. I just wouldn't be comfortable doing that."

Good! That's the point!

I'm taking a huge leap of faith right now. As I said, I just moved to Pittsburgh. I have basically no place to live, hardly any income, and don't like doing what I'm called to do. I'm an introvert. I like to sit by myself, think about things, avoid people. Most people think there's something wrong with me. No, I'm just wired different. But here I am, stepping out of my thought filled shell, and going to college students to show them that Christ actually cares about them. Do I want to do that? No, I want to go be a monk and make beer to fund my ministry of thinking deep thoughts. But God has bigger plans for me. His plan for me is to go and make disciples of all nations. What better way to do that than actually go to the lost, go to the lonely, go to the hopeless, the scared, the angry, and tell them about this joy and happiness and fullness that we have in our lives.

Is that going to be hard? You bet your most expensive electronic device it is.
Is it going to be worth it? More than you will ever know.

What I'm beginning to talk about here is evangelism, which ties in with discipleship. Words some of you may not understand, and that's alright. I may start working on that soon... We'll see. But I'm not asking you to go out and thump them over the head with a Bible and demand a decision as some churches would have you do, but I'm asking you to show someone that they matter. You don't even have to mention Christ or God or anything religious at all. Find someone you know doesn't have the joy that you do, and pour it into them, be friends with them. There is no one below you. There is no one not worthy of your friendship. There is no one who God does not want to bring into his love and grace. I don't care how bad the kid may smell, or what kind of reputation they have, or how mean they are. Jesus went to the cross for them just as much as he went for you.

Remember that, and remember this.

Jesus said himself, "The first shall be last and the last first." He also said, "Who ever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it." Let go of yourself, let go of our pride, let go of what you cling onto to stay in your old life. You died to that, but if you keep on trying to hang onto it you will lose it all. But if you let go of that life for the sake of Christ, you will find a better, fuller, more perfect/complete life.

Now go, and make someones day.

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