Friday, August 7, 2015

Communion Part 3- The Party

A month ago today I wrote a post titled, "Sell the Master" which focused on being able to tell others about God because of the great feast we will have at the wedding banquet.

Well today I want to look at the feast.

As we've been looking at, communion was instituted during a feast. So it's like we're still partaking in the feast today whenever we have communion.

Across all cultures the breaking of bread together, the act of eating a meal together is always a time of peace, even if those partaking are enemies. There are of course some exceptions, see Godfather part 1, but overall the breaking of bread together is done with friends, family, people close to you.

A wedding feast is a celebration with friends and family.
A Passover feast is celebrated among family.
A after church lunch is a time of fellowship with family and friends.

Communion is breaking bread, with God in his house. He brings us into his home, and asks us to break bread with him. This is what he does for a friend.

Romans 5 tells us that while we were still enemies Christ died for us, and because of that we now have peace with God. We are no longer in open rebellion or at war with him. And now, having come into the saving grace of Christ, we reap the benefits of his righteousness, and are at peace with God. Because of that he invites us over every week, to come into his house, and take part in the meal that celebrates our freedom from slavery, with which we look forward to our coming resurrection.

Hopefully this week I've given you a lot to reflect on concerning communion, and when you take it on Sunday you don't sit there and think, "What should I be focusing on?" or "Where am I going to lunch afterwards?" Instead, focus on the salvation that comes from Christ, and celebrate it with the bread and the cup, knowing that you are proclaiming the death and resurrection of God's only son, and because of that your sin has been defeated.

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