Thursday, December 11, 2014

Romans 8 part 4

Read Romans 8.31-39

This one is pretty easy. But it's so great. It's all about the love that God has for us.

What can we say in response to the fact that God desires all to come to him? What can we say in response to his adopting us and making us heirs with his only true son? What can we say in response to being seen as holy, righteous, and justified in his sight because of his actions? Should we say that if God is for us who can be against us? How about if God is for us what's the point of standing against us?! He didn't even spare his own son for us while we were still his enemies, how will he not stand up for us and back us up when hard times come? Better yet how would he not give us all things? Look at Matthew 6.25-34, God takes care of the birds and the grass, how much more would he take care of us?

Who can bring a charge against those in the Kingdom of God?
It's God who justifies us, who can charge those he vouches for?
Who can condemn us?
Jesus himself, the man who died and rose again intercedes on our behalf.
Who can separate us from the love of Jesus?
Are hard times from our fellow man, the economy, or nature itself going to 
separate us from the love of him who is above all?

Nothing will separate us from his love!

In life or death we are with Jesus who makes us more than just conquerors over all of these things. We are with him who owns them.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come nor things from the past, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all of creation in heaven hell or earth shall ever separate us from the love of God that has been shown and given to us through his son Jesus the Christ!

In Jesus we are sons of God. Being sons of God we will suffer. Because we suffer we shall inherit the glory of God. And by inheriting the glory of God we will receive his all encompassing love. This is what Paul gives us in Romans 8.

Next up, Romans 9.

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