Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The First or the Best?

In the OT we see a lot of how God wants the first born, or the first fruits of all things. But he also wants the best from us. Well which is it? The first or the best?

I know many Christians wake up in the morning and the first thing they do is pray and/or do a devotional. I applaud them for that. I can't do that. I'm not a morning person. God won't have my full attention at that point in the day.

I had a friend who told me that the first thing he does when he wakes up is tell God, "Hold on." then he goes and takes a shower, wakes up a bit, then gives God his utmost attention and time. I'm more for this route personally.

I read the Bible as me devo every day. Sometimes I slip up and miss a day, then play catch up the next day or two. I hate that I miss days, but it happens. We get so busy in our lives and most times the first thing to go is our God time. Why is that?

It could be that it's not that important to us. Sure it may be important, but our sleep is a bit more important. Our personal time is bit more important. Games, tv, movies, friends, significant others, all these things have a bit higher priority to us than God at times, and his time gets pushed to the side. So when is the optimal time to give God his time?

Well all time is his time. But we have to train to do that. That isn't easy. But we can work on it.

I try to give God his time when I first wake up. It's hard. Like I said, I'm not a morning person. I'm a zombie for about an hour when I first wake up and I'll try to rip someones head off if they talk to me too loud or too much. It's rough. But I try to thank God every day when I first wake up for letting me wake up. It usually sounds a bit like, "mumnks." Then I fall back in bed for a few more minutes and abuse my alarm clock. But later in the day, after the work is done, I give God my best time. Between 8-11pm. I'm awake, I'm alert, I'm able to focus, and give God my full attention. This is the time I read, seeing what he has to say. I'll talk with him about whatever, just spending time in communication with him. I don't take the full 3 hours, I usually take about an hour because I need time to zone. But those are my hours when I am at my best. and I give God his time then.

As I said, all time should be his time, and I'm working towards that, as we all should. It isn't easy, but we try our best, because that is what God wants.

Our Best.

Not some half asleep mumbled prayer or unfocused devotional time, but our best.

When I was working during the summer, my best time was in the morning. That was when I was able to focus on the task at hand, and I took an hour a day every work day for "Jesus Time." I figured if I was trying to get teens to spend time with him outside of church I should too. Those were some of the best times I spent with God. Personally, I don't know if it was at my best time, but a pot of coffee helped.

All joking and personal stories aside, I want what God wants: For you to give him your time. Your best time. When you're awake, aware, able to focus on him. Turn off the cell phone. Shut off the TV. Kill the Xbox or PS whatever's out now. Get off Facebook and Twitter. Find a place to be alone, or even get a group of people together who are like minded, and spend time with God.

Maybe it's the first thing in the morning. Maybe it's the last thing at night. Probably it's somewhere in between. Find your time when you can give him your best, and do just that.

Then work towards making your entire day like that. Not be a monk and spend all your time in prayer or scripture reading. But take a second out of your day and thank God for something, anything. Have a minute discussion with him. Reflect on a verse or passage from whenever. Maybe after a while, and with a lot of practice, you can begin doing that all through the day, giving God your undivided attention all day, pouring your love for him in all you do. Worshiping him in these ways (Romans 12.1).

Take some time, and give God your best.

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