Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Trusting God is Hard

Trusting God isn't easy. It's one of the hardest things you can ever do. But also the most rewarding. But that's not why we do it, it's because it's worth it. And we have faith in that.

Sometimes in our life, we make deals with God. A good friend of mine went to preach at a church for a "trial run" at their senior minister position. The deal he made was "If 90% vote for me, I'll take it."

Others have made deals with God like, "If I don't get this position, I'll go do this instead."

I've made my own deal with God recently, "If I don't get an internship at this church, I'll go do an internship doing campus ministry." I knew before hand that I was supposed to go to campus ministry first, but through people I was given doubts.

I went to some people and told them of how I was thinking of doing campus ministry, and how with that I'd have to raise my funds and how I really though this was where God was calling me. They're response was, "Well sometimes we think God is leading us somewhere but really he isn't. Go do the simple thing."

Trusting God is not the simple thing to do.

I get into this because recently I have been having a mild freak out over what God is leading me to. Trusting him is hard. Incredibly hard. But this is what we tied ourselves to: Trusting God in all things, through all things, and for all things.

How can we make sure that we trust God in all of these things though?

Prayer and scripture.

As I take my journey though the Bible, I am encouraged by the stories that I'm reading, the faith that the heroes had. I see their examples of faith, and their actions that show their faith. It blows me away. A little kid going up against a giant. Building a giant boat because an invisable voice told him to. Leaving everything he knew behind because an unknown God told him that he'll bless him for it.

Such great faith.

Prayer also helps us keep our faith in God. I've been praying like mad lately to my Homie, asking for his help, for him to help me strengthen my faith, to help me with what he has called me to. At times I lose my mind with worry. Other times I find great peace in God.

It's hard to find that spot, yet it is found. It's difficult, but it's what we're called to.

Do the hard thing, trust in God.

**End Note** I've heard it said, "The things you deal with arent what your students are dealing with." Well I have limited interaction with whoever it is that reads this, but if you have things you want to know about, things you're struggling with, let me know. I'll do the best I can to help you out.

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