Monday, July 6, 2015

Be the Letter

I'm in campus ministry. I've been in youth ministry. I've been an RA and I've been discipled. I've played a lot of different roles in a lot of different places.

Paul in 2 Corinthians 3 writes that the church in Corinth is his letter of recommendation, they are the proof that he is the real deal. What he's fighting against are "super apostles" coming with letters of recommendation and leading the church astray. But Paul writes that he poured himself out for that church, that they are the proof that he is an Apostle of God.

Another verse that connects to this idea is that of 1 Thessalonians 2.19-20. "For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? For you are our glory and joy."

You are our boast. We don't boast about you, or the work in you that was accomplished. We just present you. This is so profound for me.

I make disciples. And my hope in making disciples is that they go our and make disciples who make disciples. That is the point of discipleship. My students that I had and will have will be my resume, my letter of recommendation, my proof that I can do what God has called me to do. And they are my joy and glory. I take joy in the work that God has enabled me to do. They go out into the world and speak of Jesus and what he has done in their life. They have become disciples and go out to witness and disciple the world for Christ.

All this is being said because many of you go to church, you sit there on Sunday's, listen to sermons, go to Bible studies, and you apply it to your life. But sometimes you slip up, other times you do things on purpose and you don't live a life according to the calling you have received. Sometimes you do well as a letter of recommendation, you are the joy of your teachers, and other times you fall short. We all do. But we are to strive to reciprocate the righteousness that Christ has given us.

Take a close look at your actions, and see if your youth minister, your Sunday School Teacher, the people who disciple you would approve of them. If so, keep on keeping on. If not, it might be time to reevaluate.

Also! Next blog is my 100th! Got something you want me to write on? Tell me! And we'll go with it!

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