Wednesday, July 1, 2015

He doesn't go back on his promises, so praise him.

So the past two weeks I've been at camp, and this week I have my girlfriend visiting the 'Burgh so my schedule is a bit filled. But I'm going to be updating this definitely today (Wednesday) and probably Friday as well. One way or another.

Also, yes, the Supreme Court made same sex marriage legal in all states. If you want to see my thoughts on the idea of same sex marriage look here. If you want to know my thoughts on how we, as Christians should act, especially with other Christians that disagree with your OPINION look here.

Recently I've been reading through the Minor Prophets. For some reason I really enjoy them, short books that are messages from God to his people. One of the more recent one's that I read was Habakkuk. I can never say that one correctly, but whatever.

Here's the outline that I see in this book, or sermon, or even series of sermons.

Habakkuk: God! Bad stuff is happening!
God: I'll take care of it. I promise.
H: God! More bad stuff!
G: My promises will take place.
H: Alright, let me pray.
H: Now let me rejoice and praise you you.

The overarching theme that I see is this: Crap happens. God promises and will come through on them. So praise him always.

Monday on my other blog I talked about the two weeks at camp and how I was a bit irresponsible and destroyed my throat by yelling. But I also talked about how God provided me with volume when needed. Later that night I got a text from a cousin of mine telling me how she's going through a lot of stuff and how my blog helped her a bit. I didn't think that was going to happen, but God uses what he wants. And I go, "Okay!"

But the point of that is that sometimes, a lot of times, our lives get tough. Crap happens. We hate it. We think God has abandoned us. For the record I don't believe in Karma because if Karma was real I'd be dead by now. Also God gives us grace which is not what we deserve, but gave Jesus the cross which he didn't deserve, so God doesn't always give people what they deserve, which is the entire point of Karma.

But God does promises us, those that follow him, a few things. One big one is that suffering will come. And he doesn't go back on his promises. He also promises that suffering will be good for us, and without it we cannot inherit his glory. And he doesn't go back on his promises. Another promise is that we are his temple and that his Spirit lives in us. And he doesn't go back on his promises. He promises that he will be with us forever. And he doesn't go back on his promises. He promises eternal life with him for those that live and die with him. And he doesn't go back on his promises.

And because he doesn't go back on his promises we should praise him always and always rejoice in him.

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