Friday, April 18, 2014

Cutting Corners

The laziest people find the easiest way to get their work done.

We’ve all heard this phrase before. I even saw something on the internet today that in a job interview, a guy was asked what his greatest strength was. His answer was two simple words. “I’m lazy.” The interviewer asked him to explain that, and he said that he’ll find the easiest way to get the job done.

Hired on the spot.

Is this really the way America is going? Who can do the job the quickest or who can do the job the best? Every time I would choose the person who could do the job the best.

I think of the movie Armageddon when the characters are about to launch into space and Rockhound says this, “You know we're sitting on four million pounds of fuel, one nuclear weapon and a thing that has 270,000 moving parts built by the lowest bidder. Makes you feel good, doesn't it?”

How often does this mentality fall into our Christian lives?

A few days ago I talked a bit about all that we do we should do to the best of our ability because all we do is worship, and is offered to God. If this is true, copying someone’s math homework because you “were too tired” is one of the lamest excuses ever.

Really? You were too tired to do your best for God? You’re going to call yourself a Christian to everyone and yet copy homework because you were tired?

We are to be different than those who are not our brothers and sisters.

Now to be clear, I have been a poor example of this in my own life, writing papers at the last minute, copying people’s homework, cutting all the corners I can so I can have more me time.

But I am trying harder to do my best to show God what I think he is worth.

2 Thessalonians 2.13: And as for you brothers, never tire of doing what is right.

Never tire of worshiping God.
Never tire of doing what you’re supposed to.
Never tire of obeying your parents.
Never tire of getting your homework done.
Never tire of diving into the word.
Never tire of doing what is right. To the best of your ability. For God.

Cutting corners is all about the American dream. Do the least amount of effort for the most amount of gain.

But the Christian dream is to do the most amount of work for the God who deserves it.

My prayer for all Christians is that we quit cutting corners. That we never tire of doing what is right. That we worship God in all that we do. That we look down right nuts doing it. That others will see this, and wonder what we have that they don’t. And that they will want what we have.

Never tire of doing what is right, for you are always a witness of the God you say you serve.

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