Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Who's Your Master?

Matthew 6.24: No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Why don’t we take out money there and make it a “fill in the blank.” Then I will ask you a question, and I want you to be completely, 100% honest with yourself about it. Because if you are not, you’re not only lying to yourself, but also God, who you just can’t lie to, because he already knows.

The question is: What do you focus on the most?

For some, it may be money. For others, tv shows, movies, or video games. Some people focus more on having the attention of others. There are even those that are more worried about sports than anything else. Girls, friends, food, boys, family, reputation, anything can dictate your actions, anything can become a God to you.

In the movie Get Him to the Greek there is a great clip. It’s this man who says he was clean for 7 years for a woman, who looked back at him and said, “And you did yoga for 4 hours a day. There isn’t anything you can’t turn into heroin.”

There is a lot of truth to this statement. There isn’t anything you can’t turn into heroin, or your master, or your God.

So I ask again: What do you focus on the most?

Who’s you’re master?

I know people who call themselves Christian (yes I said it like that intentionally), and focus more on money than anything else. Make money first, serve God second. I also know “Christians” that focus more on themselves. Do whatever they want first, be it drugs, sex outside of marriage, alcohol, then serve Christ second.

God is not asking for your second slot. He’s not even asking for your first slot. He’s asking for all of them.

If your focus is you, that gets worked into all you do.

I do my job, for me.
I serve God for me.
I take care of my family for me.
I drive for me.


I do my job for money.
I serve God for money.
I take care of my family for money.
I drive for money.

Everything will revolve around what you focus on.

Yet God asks us to have it this way…

God be glorified in all things.
God be glorified in my taking care of my family.
God be glorified in my work.
God be glorified in every act I do.

Romans 12.1: Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer yourself as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.

Because of God’s mercy and grace, we have the ability to come into his Kingdom to make him King over our life. And because of that, we are to offer ourselves, and everything we have as a sacrifice to him, because it is because of him that we have a chance to have the things we have. So we offer it back to him, and use it in every way to serve him because of his mercy.

So what do you focus on?
Who is your master?
Who/what do you serve?
Are you a living sacrifice to God?
Is he your king?

Find what you focus on the most, and if it’s not God, take a week without it. Get rid of it. If you are unwilling to, ask someone to help. But if you don’t think about what you are doing and what you call yourself. Do you really fit the title you give yourself?

Focus on God. Put him in all you do. Serve him. Make him your king and master. Put all else aside.

Who’s your master?

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